Behavioral Activation

Something I have been thinking about and researching this summer is Behavioral Activation.  What do we do with all our great ideas for Boosting Dopamine?  We need to get started somehow... The goal of behavioral activation might seem simple (just replace negative behaviors with positive alternatives), but its implementation in real life comes with challenges. Imagine being in immense pain and having a tool that allows you to immediately relieve that pain. Now, imagine you have a tool ...

Technology Detox 2.0 Strategies

So I warned you how hard it was to get my daughter off of the devices this summer... Here are some expert tips and strategies.  We now have her Legos at our dining room table for her to build, art supplies at her desk and out on the table on the porch for paints, fins for swimming, and more scheduled playdates.  What about you?   Balancing technology use is crucial for kids' development and well-being. Here are some tips to help manage and reduce your kids' screen time: Set ...

Single Mom

Question: What’s tougher than the life of a single mom? 🧐 Answer: A single mom who’s ready to date again…! 😬 Listen, you’ve already got your work cut out for you fulfilling the roles of both mom AND dad in the household. And to think of adding dating back into the mix?! It can feel a bit daunting, but there is life beyond motherhood to enjoy, and you deserve to live it! So if you’re a single mom ready to prioritize a social life once again, here are some ...

Dopamine Boost

I started taking ice baths this summer after playing tennis and once I got used to it, I learned to love the dopamine boost (without any crash like caffeine).   Boosting dopamine and improving mood can be achieved through various lifestyle changes, activities, and habits. Here are some effective ways to naturally increase dopamine levels and enhance your mood: Physical Activities Exercise: Regular physical activity, especially aerobic exercise, can significantly boost dopamine ...

Healing Hearts

I’m on a mission. I’m determined to help you connect with your kids- and not *just* them (although they sit at the top of every parent’s priority list). I’m here to help you deepen the connections in all of the relationships in your life, including 💜 Friends 💜 Family members 💜 Colleagues Deeper, intentional connections in your community create an overall environment that supports the overarching goal of overcoming parental alienation. “Healing ...

Back to School 2024

I can’t believe it’s time to say this but… We are prepping for back-to-school! As a mom myself, I know EXACTLY how hectic this preparation process can be and how the chaos can undermine your sense of peace and summer routine (which you only JUST got the hang of!😮‍💨). But you don’t have to let it throw you completely off-track. I’ve put together a few pointers to help you AND your child have a smooth transition back to school: ✅ Re-assess the Schedule- ...

Healing Hearts

I’m bringing it back! This course was so near and dear to my heart (pun intended 🥰), that I just had to reboot it for the fall! The driving force behind the “Healing Hearts” course is to provide a safe and compressive process for overcoming parental alienation. Parental alienation is a delicate, complex, and emotionally challenging experience. But with the right knowledge, support, and strategies, you can navigate this difficult path toward healing and reunification. This ...

Ways to Work With Me

Enroll now  Ways to work with me: Schedule a call: in my courses:  Would you like to work with me individually or in one of my groups?  Grab my freebies.  I can't wait to learn more about you and what questions you have.  I offer a weekly free live Q&A and am here to address your concerns about anything parenting, mental health, and balance.  Follow my blog and Instagram for great ...

Technology Detox for Kids

Getting your kids off their devices: I have a great personal testimonial! About three weeks ago, my daughter got in trouble at her summer camp. The best consequence I came up with was no Technology. This was rough for all of us, especially the first week. I took her to Hobby Lobby and purchased new art supplies, we swam every day, and I scheduled playdates, all the things....Now almost a month later, we are in such a better place as a family, and her well-being especially. I am allowing her to watch the Olympics. Balancing technology use is crucial for kids' development and well-being. Here are some tips to help manage and reduce your kids' screen time: Set Clear Boundaries Establish Screen-Free Zones: Designate certain areas in your home, like the dining room or bedrooms, as screen-free zones. Create a Schedule: Set specific times for screen use, such as after completing homework and only for a certain duration. Offer Alternatives Encourage Outdoor Activities: Plan family outings, nature walks, or visits to the park to engage them in physical activities. Promote Hobbies: Introduce your kids to new hobbies like reading, painting, playing musical instruments, or sports. Be a Role Model Limit Your Own Screen Time: Kids often mimic their parents, so ensure you also practice healthy screen habits. Engage in Family Activities: Spend quality time together without screens, such as board games, cooking, or crafts. Educate and Empower Discuss the Impact of Screen Time: Teach your kids about the effects of excessive screen time on their health and well-being. Involve Them in Setting Rules: Allow your kids to have a say in creating screen time rules to give them a sense of responsibility and ownership. Use Technology Wisely Educational Content: When screen time is allowed, ensure it is educational and age-appropriate. Set Parental Controls: Utilize apps and device settings to monitor and limit your kids' screen time. Encourage Social Interaction You can organize Playdates: You can facilitate opportunities for your kids to play and interact with friends in person. Family Meals: Make mealtime a technology-free time to encourage conversation and bonding. Consistency and Patience Be Consistent with Rules: Stick to the established rules and boundaries to create a predictable routine. Be Patient: Reducing screen time is a gradual process; be patient and understanding as your kids adjust. By implementing these strategies, you can help your children develop healthier relationships with technology and encourage more balanced and diverse activities in their daily lives.


Cultivating a gratitude practice is absolutely life-changing.  What are you grateful for today?  What are five things you can share on your gratitude list? Gratitude leads to joy. The overflow of gratitude is joy. Realizing God’s abundant goodness, even in the hard, is a gateway to joy. Psalms 126 shows this so clearly as the Hebrew exiles sang their thanks to God for bringing them back to Israel. It’s a psalm I prayed in advance for years. Attitude disconnects us ...


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