Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!  What a fun holiday or spooky depending on how you look?  Fall decorations, candy, and costumes are all fun and games.  Halloween parties, costume parties, Fall Festivals, and Book Character day at the elementary school.  My daughter is dressing up as a Fox for her costume/birthday party and Storybook day at school: The Fantastic Mr. Fox.  Her tail is absolutely fabulous.  Wishing you all the best fun and light.  

Life Lessons Cancer Has Taught Me

Life Lessons Learned from Cancer: Your Attitude is Paramount.  What do you believe? Beating Cancer with Nutrition  Exercise Toxins (Releasing toxins with infrared heat) Energy Alignment Microbiome Remission (No Evidence of Disease) Epigenetics (Making the most of the cards you were dealt) Your Mind (the ultimate healing force) Hans Selye & Stress Journaling, Meditation, Creative Arts, Gratitude Healing Hearts (the power of the group) Forgiveness (let it go) Sense of ...

The Power of the Group

Karen C Truesdell, Ph.D. Consulting  Welcome to the Doorstep to Expertise Alliance Unlock Your Full Potential as a Psychologist, Counselor, Attorney, Professional,  Business Owner, Entrepreneur Are you ready to transform your career? Join our exclusive mastermind group and learn how to turn your passion and expertise into a thriving business.  Hang out your shingle with support, a plan, expertise, and built in community. What We Offer: Expert Guidance: Learn from industry ...

Self-care and the Holidays

Holiday decorations are on display at all the stores and all the things.  What is your self-care plan for the Holidays this year?  Do you have a game plan? Are there things you need to plan or things you need to plan to say no to? Why is self-care important during the holidays?   Self-care makes stressful days a little easier by giving you something to look forward to as you work through the necessities. Plus, by nourishing your body and mind, you’ll also keep your ...

Healing Hearts

Reconnecting Hearts: Overcoming Parental Alienation Course Overview: "Reconnecting Hearts: Overcoming Parental Alienation" is a comprehensive parenting course designed to help parents understand, prevent, and address the challenges associated with parental alienation. Whether you're a separated or divorced parent facing issues related to alienation or simply want to learn how to build and maintain healthy parent-child relationships, this course offers practical guidance, strategies, and ...


Spring Break starts for us next week!  We are staying home and enjoying local activities and a staycation.  I have been on the go this year including trips to NYC, Westpoint, Montana, Denver, and Albuquerque.  I am going to Tampa in April for rugby.  I am enjoying staying home.  What are your plans? “The beginning of love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves, the resolution not to twist them to fit our own image. If in loving them we do not ...

Happy New Year!

Welcome 2023

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Christmas Planning

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Christmas Planning

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