Boundaries in Relationships

Boundaries tell you your values, who you are, your dreams, and your limitations.  How do you show up in your relationships?  6 Tips on how to set healthy boundaries in a relationship: Know that having boundaries is essential for a healthy relationship (any relationship!) Be honest about your needs and your wants Listen to what your partner is communicating. They are telling you their needs and your wants. If you want your needs and wants to be heard, you must listen to other ...

Real Self-Care

What if we looked at self-care differently? Radical self-care is a comprehensive, intentional approach to maintaining and enhancing one's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It involves prioritizing oneself and setting firm boundaries to ensure that your needs are met, often in ways that go beyond conventional self-care practices. Here are some key aspects of radical self-care: Principles of Radical Self-Care Intentionality: Deliberately choosing actions that support your well-being, ...

Letting Go: Lessons of Autumn

Hello September! It is raining and finally feels like fall.  Nice to have a break from 106 degrees in South Texas. Before you know it, pumpkins will be out.  Fall is my favorite season.   Lessons from Fall: Letting go  Autumn reminds us of the importance of letting go. It shows us that within the cycle of life there comes a time to let go and release those things that no longer serve us. Human nature encourages us to hold tightly to things and yet Autumn shows us ...

Boundaries 2.0

Setting boundaries can be challenging for various reasons. Here are some common obstacles people face: Internal Challenges Fear of Rejection: Concern that others might reject or abandon you if you set limits. Guilt: Feeling guilty about asserting your needs, especially if you're used to prioritizing others. Low Self-Esteem: Doubting your worthiness to have boundaries and feeling like your needs are less important. Lack of Confidence: Uncertainty about how to communicate your boundaries ...

Super Mom Myth or Reality

The concept of the "super mom" is often depicted as a woman who effortlessly balances a demanding career, flawless parenting, immaculate household management, and an active social life while maintaining her own physical and emotional well-being. This idealized version of motherhood can be both inspiring and daunting, leading to a complex debate about whether the "super mom" is a myth or a reality. The "Super Mom" Myth Unrealistic Expectations: The image of the "super mom" often sets ...

Stoicism vs. Radical Acceptance

Stoicism and radical acceptance are philosophical and psychological approaches that help individuals cope with life’s challenges by fostering resilience and inner peace. While they originate from different traditions—Stoicism from ancient Greek and Roman philosophy and radical acceptance from modern psychotherapy, particularly Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)—they share some common principles. Here’s an overview of both: Stoicism Key Principles: Focus on What You Can ...


If you haven’t cracked the riddle in the question, here’s the answer: 😴 SLEEP! 😴 But improving the quality of your sleep is easier said than done. I get it, you’ve got a never-ending to-do list playing on repeat in your head. You’re overthinking that ONE comment you made over lunch with your mom. You’re constantly wondering if you’re *really* doing your best… what you could do better and how… I don’t have all of the answers, friend, ...

I couldn't sleep last night ...

On the first day of school ... I couldn't sleep last night.  I thought back-to-school anxiety was for my kids (not me)!  I am excited, I know it will be a good year, but boy has it been a doozy for getting ready!  

Depression & Anxiety

It’s more common than not: Depression and anxiety make the best of companions. One reason that they are so compatible is that one often fuels the other, which leaves you struggling to put out two fires instead of one. When it comes to managing these two (often) co-dependent symptoms, you don’t have to face it alone. 🔥There’s a reason why firefighters don’t tackle a burning house by themselves. 💪 It’s because a team functions better than an individual to ...


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