Healing Hearts


I am passionate about helping my clients improve their relationships, find alignment, balance, and freedom so they can live a more fulfilled life.

I’m on a mission to help you connect with your kids (and everyone else: family, colleagues, & other parents).  

That’s why I created this Parenting Checklist Template - to save you time and money and heartache and decrease any friction or excuses and get results.  There are also tips for creating community and getting support (it takes a village)!

Next, watch this quick orientation video on how to use this document you are off!


Karen Truesdell Bierman, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist

Founder Dr. Karen Consulting


12 Modules

Parenting Checklist

Co-parenting Checklist 


Welcome to the Healing Hearts - Overcoming Parental Alienation Course!

We are delighted to have you join us on this journey of healing and transformation. Parental alienation is a challenging and emotionally complex issue, but with the right knowledge, support, and strategies, you can navigate this difficult path toward healing and reunification.

Course Overview: Our "Healing Hearts" course is designed to provide you with comprehensive insights into parental alienation, effective coping strategies, co-parenting techniques, legal considerations, and the steps involved in reuniting with your child. Whether you are a targeted parent or a professional working in the field, this course offers valuable knowledge and resources to help you make informed decisions and foster positive change.

What to Expect: Throughout the course, you will find a wealth of information, practical exercises, and real-world scenarios to help you better understand and address parental alienation. We encourage you to engage actively, ask questions, and participate in discussions to maximize your learning experience.

Course Schedule:

  • Chapter 1: Understanding Parental Alienation
  • Chapter 2: The Healing Process
  • Chapter 3: Communication and Co-Parenting
  • Chapter 4: Legal Aspects and Challenges
  • Chapter 5: Reuniting with Your Child
  • Chapter 6: Moving Forward

Our Support: Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Our team of experts and facilitators is here to guide you every step of the way. Should you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at [Contact Information].

Completion Certificate: Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate recognizing your dedication and commitment to healing and advocacy in the context of parental alienation. This certificate can be a valuable testament to your knowledge and skills in this field.

We're Here for You: Parental alienation is a complex and sensitive issue, and we commend your courage in seeking solutions and support. Remember, healing is possible, and your dedication to the well-being of your child is commendable.

Once again, welcome to the "Healing Hearts" course. We look forward to sharing this transformative journey with you and witnessing your progress along the way.

Warm regards,

Karen Truesdell Bierman, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist

Healing Hearts Outline

Course Outline:

Module 1: Understanding Parental Alienation

  • Lesson 1: What Is Parental Alienation?
  • Lesson 2: Recognizing the Signs
  • Lesson 3: The Impact on Children

Module 2: Factors Contributing to Alienation

  • Lesson 1: Divorce and Separation Dynamics
  • Lesson 2: High-Conflict Relationships
  • Lesson 3: The Role of Third Parties

Module 3: Prevention and Early Intervention

  • Lesson 1: Effective Co-Parenting Strategies
  • Lesson 2: Communicating with Your Ex-Partner
  • Lesson 3: Building a Supportive Network

Module 4: Rebuilding Trust and Connection

  • Lesson 1: Reconnecting with Your Child
  • Lesson 2: Managing Emotions and Rebuilding Trust
  • Lesson 3: Strengthening Parent-Child Bonds

Module 5: Legal and Therapeutic Resources

  • Lesson 1: Legal Options and Considerations
  • Lesson 2: The Role of Therapists and Counselors
  • Lesson 3: Coordinators and Family Mediation

Module 6: Healing and Moving Forward

  • Lesson 1: Self-Care and Resilience
  • Lesson 2: Supporting Your Child's Emotional Well-being
  • Lesson 3: Building a Brighter Future

Course Outline

Table of Contents: Healing Hearts - Overcoming Parental Alienation Course

Module 1: Understanding Parental Alienation

1.1 Introduction to Parental Alienation - What is Parental Alienation? - Differentiating Parental Alienation from Healthy Parenting Disputes - Impact on Children and Families

1.2 The Dynamics of Parental Alienation - Alienating Parent, Targeted Parent, and Child Roles - Common Tactics and Behaviors - Recognizing Early Warning Signs

1.3 Psychological and Emotional Effects - Emotional Toll on Children - Impact on Targeted Parents - The Importance of Early Intervention

Module 2: The Healing Process

2.1 Strategies for Coping - Self-Care for Targeted Parents - Supporting Children Emotionally - Legal and Therapeutic Resources

2.2 Building Resilience - Nurturing Resilience in Children - Strengthening Parent-Child Relationships - Self-Empowerment Techniques

Module 3: Communication and Co-Parenting

3.1 Effective Communication - Improving Communication with the Alienating Parent - Talking to Children About Parental Alienation - Setting Healthy Boundaries

3.2 Co-Parenting Strategies - Co-Parenting Plans - Parallel Parenting vs. Co-Parenting - Mediation and Legal Approaches

Module 4: Legal Aspects and Challenges

4.1 Legal Considerations - Understanding Family Court Systems - Custody and Visitation Rights - Legal Resources and Support

4.2 Building a Strong Legal Case - Documentation and Evidence - Expert Witnesses - Advocating for Your Child's Best Interests

Module 5: Reuniting with Your Child

5.1 The Reunification Process - Rebuilding Trust and Attachment - Therapeutic Reunification - Overcoming Resistance

5.2 Ongoing Support and Maintenance - Post-Reunification Strategies - Preventing Relapse - Ensuring a Healthy Future

Module 6: Moving Forward

6.1 Rebuilding Your Life - Personal Growth and Healing - Creating a Support System - Finding Joy and Purpose

6.2 Advocacy and Raising Awareness - Becoming an Advocate for Change - Support Groups and Community Involvement - The Role of Professionals in Parental Alienation


  • Reflecting on Your Journey
  • Graduation and Certificate

Understanding Parental Alienation

Chapter 1: Understanding Parental Alienation

1.1 Introduction to Parental Alienation

Parental alienation is a heartbreaking and complex issue that affects families around the world. It is a situation in which one parent engages in behaviors and tactics that lead to the estrangement of their child from the other parent. This chapter will provide you with a foundational understanding of parental alienation, including its definition, how it differs from normal parenting disputes, and the profound impact it can have on children and families.

What is Parental Alienation?

Parental alienation involves a pattern of actions by one parent, often referred to as the alienating parent, to undermine the child's relationship with the other parent, known as the targeted parent. These actions can range from subtle manipulations to overt efforts to turn the child against the targeted parent. Parental alienation is not always intentional, but it can be devastating nonetheless.

Differentiating Parental Alienation from Healthy Parenting Disputes

Not all disagreements between parents constitute parental alienation. It's essential to distinguish between normal parenting disputes and alienating behaviors. We will explore the characteristics that set parental alienation apart from typical disagreements and conflicts that arise during the separation or divorce process.

Impact on Children and Families

Parental alienation can have profound and lasting effects on children and their families. It can lead to emotional trauma, strained parent-child relationships, and long-term psychological consequences. Understanding the impact of parental alienation is crucial in addressing this issue effectively.

1.2 The Dynamics of Parental Alienation

In this section, we will delve deeper into the dynamics of parental alienation. You'll learn about the roles that each party typically plays in alienation scenarios, the tactics and behaviors commonly employed, and how to recognize early warning signs that parental alienation may be occurring in your family.

Alienating Parent, Targeted Parent, and Child Roles

Understanding the roles within a parental alienation situation is essential to grasp how these dynamics play out. We'll explore the behaviors and motivations of the alienating parent, the challenges faced by the targeted parent, and the emotional turmoil experienced by the child caught in the middle.

Common Tactics and Behaviors

Parental alienation involves a wide range of tactics and behaviors employed by the alienating parent to distance the child from the targeted parent. These tactics can include denigrating the targeted parent, limiting contact, and manipulating the child's emotions. Recognizing these tactics is crucial for intervention.

Recognizing Early Warning Signs

Early detection is often key to addressing parental alienation effectively. We'll discuss the subtle signs and red flags that may indicate the presence of parental alienation, helping you become more aware of potential issues in your family.

1.3 Psychological and Emotional Effects

Parental alienation takes a toll on everyone involved, but the psychological and emotional effects on children and targeted parents can be particularly devastating. In this section, we will delve into the emotional consequences and the importance of early intervention.

Emotional Toll on Children

Children subjected to parental alienation may experience a range of emotions, including confusion, guilt, anger, and sadness. Understanding the emotional impact on children is crucial for addressing their needs and providing appropriate support.

Impact on Targeted Parents

Being the target of alienation can be emotionally exhausting and distressing for parents. We will explore the feelings of grief, loss, and frustration that targeted parents often experience and discuss strategies for coping with these challenges.

The Importance of Early Intervention

Early intervention is critical to preventing long-term harm caused by parental alienation. We will emphasize why recognizing and addressing alienating behaviors as soon as possible can significantly improve outcomes for children and families.

In the upcoming chapters, we will delve deeper into strategies for coping with parental alienation, building resilience, and exploring effective communication and co-parenting techniques. By the end of this course, you will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to navigate the challenging journey of overcoming parental alienation and healing the hearts of those affected.


Chapter 2: The Healing Process
In Chapter 1, we gained a comprehensive understanding of parental alienation, its dynamics, and its emotional impact on children and targeted parents. In Chapter 2, we'll explore the essential components of the healing process. Healing is not only about repairing relationships but also about nurturing resilience, fostering self-care, and empowering both children and targeted parents to move forward more healthily.
2.1 Strategies for Coping

Dealing with parental alienation can be an overwhelming and emotionally draining experience. In this section, we will explore strategies that can help targeted parents and children cope with the emotional challenges they face.

Self-Care for Targeted Parents

Self-care is not selfish; it's a necessary part of healing. We will discuss practical self-care techniques that can help targeted parents manage stress, maintain their mental health, and build emotional resilience.

Supporting Children Emotionally

Children affected by parental alienation need emotional support and validation. We will explore ways to provide a safe and nurturing environment for children, helping them navigate their feelings and experiences.

Legal and Therapeutic Resources

Access to the right resources is crucial during the healing process. We will discuss legal and therapeutic options available to targeted parents and children, including the role of therapists, counselors, and support groups.

2.2 Building Resilience

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity and adapt to challenging circumstances. Building resilience is a key component of the healing process, both for targeted parents and children. In this section, we'll delve into strategies for nurturing resilience.

Nurturing Resilience in Children

Children can develop resilience when provided with the right tools and support. We will explore ways to help children build resilience, boost their self-esteem, and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Strengthening Parent-Child Relationships

Rebuilding and strengthening the parent-child bond is a central aspect of healing. We will discuss strategies for reconnecting with children, rebuilding trust, and fostering a healthy and supportive relationship.

Self-Empowerment Techniques

Empowerment is about regaining control and confidence. Targeted parents can benefit from self-empowerment techniques that help them regain a sense of agency in their lives. We will explore exercises and practices to promote self-empowerment.

As we progress through this chapter, you will gain valuable insights into coping strategies, resilience-building techniques, and self-empowerment practices that can aid in the healing process. Remember that healing is a journey, and it's essential to be patient and compassionate with yourself and your children as you navigate this path toward recovery.

In the next chapter, we will explore effective communication strategies and co-parenting techniques that can help reestablish healthy connections with your child and navigate the complexities of co-parenting in the aftermath of parental alienation.

Chapter 3: Communication and Co-Parenting
Effective communication and co-parenting are essential components of healing from parental alienation. In this chapter, we will explore strategies for improving communication, fostering cooperation, and creating a supportive co-parenting environment to rebuild and maintain positive relationships with your child.

3.1 Effective communication effective communication is the cornerstone of healthy relationships. When dealing with parental alienation, it becomes even more critical to establish clear and respectful communication with the alienating parent and your child. In this section, we will delve into strategies for improving communication. Improving Communication with the Alienating Parent

Navigating communication with the alienated parent can be challenging. We will discuss ways to engage in constructive conversations, set boundaries, and address issues in a non-confrontational manner.

Talking to Children About Parental Alienation

Having open and honest discussions with your child about parental alienation is crucial for their understanding and emotional well-being. We will explore age-appropriate ways to talk to your child about the situation, providing them with reassurance and support.

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Establishing clear and healthy boundaries is essential in any co-parenting arrangement. We will discuss how to define and maintain boundaries that protect your child's best interests while facilitating effective communication with the alienating parent.

3.2 Co-Parenting Strategies

Successful co-parenting is about putting your child's needs first and finding common ground with the alienating parent, even in challenging circumstances. In this section, we will delve into co-parenting strategies that can help you navigate the complexities of co-parenting after parental alienation.

Co-Parenting Plans

Creating a co-parenting plan can provide structure and minimize conflict. We will discuss the elements of an effective co-parenting plan, including custody schedules, decision-making processes, and dispute-resolution mechanisms.

Parallel Parenting vs. Co-Parenting

In some cases, parallel parenting may be more appropriate than traditional co-parenting. We will explore the differences between these approaches and when each might be suitable, depending on the level of conflict and alienation present.

Mediation and Legal Approaches

When communication and cooperation with the alienating parent are particularly challenging, mediation and legal interventions may be necessary. We will discuss the role of mediation and the legal system in resolving co-parenting disputes and enforcing parenting plans.

By the end of this chapter, you will have a better understanding of the importance of effective communication and co-parenting in the context of parental alienation. You will also have gained valuable insights into strategies for fostering cooperation and resolving conflicts, all aimed at creating a more stable and supportive environment for your child.

In the next chapter, we will explore the legal aspects and challenges associated with addressing parental alienation, including understanding family court systems, custody rights, and legal resources available to targeted parents.

Legal Aspects

Chapter 4: Legal Aspects and Challenges

Judges, mediators, and attorneys, and the processes involved in legal proceedings related to parental alienation.

Custody and Visitation Rights

Protecting your custody and visitation rights is paramount. We will explore the different types of custody arrangements, factors considered by courts, and strategies for advocating for your rights as a parent.

Legal Resources and Support

Access to legal resources and support is essential. We will provide information on finding competent family law attorneys, understanding legal fees, and seeking assistance from organizations and support groups specializing in parental alienation cases.

4.2 Building a Strong Legal Case

Building a strong legal case is essential to addressing parental alienation effectively. In this section, we will discuss the steps and considerations for establishing a compelling case to protect your child's best interests.

Documentation and Evidence

Effective documentation and evidence collection are critical. We will explore what kind of evidence can be valuable in court, including emails, text messages, records of missed visitations, and witness statements.

Expert Witnesses

Expert witnesses can provide invaluable insights and credibility in court. We will discuss the role of mental health professionals, child custody evaluators, and other experts in parental alienation cases.

Advocating for Your Child's Best Interests

When addressing parental alienation in court, it's crucial to advocate for your child's best interests. We will explore the legal standards used to determine what is in the child's best interest and strategies for presenting a compelling case.

By the end of this chapter, you will have a better understanding of the legal considerations and challenges associated with parental alienation cases. You will also be equipped with knowledge and resources to help protect your legal rights as a parent and advocate for your child's well-being.

In the next chapter, we will explore strategies for reuniting with your child and rebuilding a positive and healthy relationship after experiencing parental alienation.

Modules for this product 12
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