Blog Self-care and the Holidays

Self-care and the Holidays


Holiday decorations are on display at all the stores and all the things.  What is your self-care plan for the Holidays this year?  Do you have a game plan? Are there things you need to plan or things you need to plan to say no to? Why is self-care important during the holidays?  

  • Self-care makes stressful days a little easier by giving you something to look forward to as you work through the necessities. Plus, by nourishing your body and mind, you’ll also keep your mental health in check and as a result, you’ll feel more energized for the holiday season (and enjoy doing so!).

 Here are some ideas/tips: 

  • Have a list of activities you can engage in to relax for a few minutes. Perhaps this is taking a walk, doing a few minutes of yoga, or watching a favorite TV show or movie. Being present around the presents. Practice mindfulness and meditation. This can include spending a minute or two being present in your environment. 
  • Boundaries: where do you need to focus and protect yourself, your time and energy?  


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