Blog Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness


If you do not  make time for your health, then you will be forced to take time for your illness....

This sentiment has been on my mind and resonating with me this summer.  While my health has forced me to slow down and pause even, I reflect on the past year and the past decade.  10 years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and my world came to a halt.  Two months ago, I found out I had a recurrence and my world stopped again.  This summer has been full of rest, relaxation, love, self-care, self-compassion, and an entirely new way of living and setting boundaries.  Perhaps I should have listened to the whispers and nudges in early 2022 when my body was telling me to slow down.  What do you need to pay attention to?  I hope you take a lazy day for yourself or with the people you love.  Swim, take a nap, slow down and listen to nature.  Enjoy these last days of summer (if it ever cools down in Texas).


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