Good morning/afternoon, I am creating videos answers for frequently answered questions for new clients and established clients. There are questions I answer every day, so why not record a video. Here are some of my ideas:
Time Management
Troubleshooting Time Management
Kids' Morning Routines
Troubleshooting ...
Kids' Bedtime Routines
Troubleshooting ....
You can see the theme of trouble shooting. There is a plethora of information out there on parenting, finding balance, healthy living, happiness, and overcoming adversity. However, most tips and solutions require trouble shooting and the expertise of an Expert. For example, I could give you tips for peaceful mornings, but my three children and my nephew all have different approaches and require a different strategy. I might leave my daughter's shoes in the car the night before so we can get out of the house, but then we still need to wait for her to put them on and her seatbelt. Every tip and guideline requires tailoring for the individual and family system. Now that I divide myself between two different households, different rules and strategies apply. I am always missing someone, but learning to enjoy each for the joy that it brings and my quality time with the people I love. I will say the magical morning solution is getting up early! Of course, that applies to morning people like me. Stay tuned for my Troubleshooting video course.