Blog Behavioral Activation

Behavioral Activation


Something I have been thinking about and researching this summer is Behavioral Activation.  What do we do with all our great ideas for Boosting Dopamine?  We need to get started somehow...

The goal of behavioral activation might seem simple (just replace negative behaviors with positive alternatives), but its implementation in real life comes with challenges. Imagine being in immense pain and having a tool that allows you to immediately relieve that pain. Now, imagine you have a tool that you hear will help more in the long run, but it isn't going to relieve the pain you're experiencing right now. Behavioral activation is the tool that will help in the long run, but there won't be any instant relief. Unhealthy avoidant behaviors are the tools that provide instant relief but ultimately do more harm than good. Because the goals of behavioral activation can be unclear, education is an important first step.

Developing Positive Replacement Behaviors

The next step is to come up with some positive replacement behaviors. This can't be emphasized enough: The positive replacements should be both easy and rewarding. Someone who is depressed might have a hard time getting out of bed by noon and brushing their teeth, let alone waking up at 6 AM, creating a résumé, or running a 10K. It can be helpful to create a list of positive rewarding behaviors and rank them from 1 to 10 in the areas of ease and reward. 

Implementing the Behavioral Activation Plan

Plan how and when to complete their positive replacement behaviors

Discuss possible obstacles, scheduling times for activities throughout the week, and how to remember to follow through with the plan. Be specific.


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