Blog Back to the Basics

Back to the Basics


Back to the Basics


stressing simplicity and adherence to fundamental principles:

The movement suggests a back-to-basics approach to living for those whose lives have become complicated.

emphasizing or based upon the teaching of such basic subjects as reading, arithmetic, grammar, or history in a traditional way.

Sometimes in life, our profession, or any endeavor in life, we need to get back to the basics.  This could mean back to the basics or our training (e.g., engineering, architecture, practicing medicine or psychology, practicing law, playing competitive tennis, or even football).  Even parenting and our relationships can benefit from simplicity.  

I have been practicing Psychology for over 20 years.  I have been an entrepreneur for 18 years.  A mother for over 18 years.  I am getting back to the basics: embracing the simple.  

A typical career progression is from practicing our craft to supervising to management and possibly getting so far away from our craft.  It can be fun to get back to the basics.  I am working on an interesting psychological evaluation, which is inspiring and fulfilling for me.  I can get bogged down in the practice management aspects of my business and lose sight of the fun parts. I love helping people, understanding them, and bearing witness to healing and change.  I am excited about simple conversations, blogging, and podcasting.  What does getting back to the basics mean to you? 


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